Thursday, December 20, 2007

Who says Toledo doesn't have density?

marked by compactness or crowding together of parts

In doing research for this blog, I ran across a little piece of Toledo history that is still standing today. One of the main gripes I have ran across is the relative lack of density in Downtown Toledo. Check out this gem located off Swan Creek (I-75 & Nebraska).

The majority of Downtown Toledo looked similar to this, snaking around the natural resources that were the Maumee River and Swan Creek. The reason? Real estate was at a premium near the heart of the ever growing metropolis, especially on the waterways. Most have been replaced by the single level steel warehouses that we all know so well.

An almost comical contrast between Toledo then and Toledo now can be seen in the photo above. This photo is not doctored in anyway. In fact, you may be able to see it in person on southbound I-75. Dense, brick structures meet 70's inspired, low income housing.

If you are looking to preserve a little bit of history, publicly or privately, I would encourage that you look at this opportunity.

What to look forward to @ Next Step Toledo:
  1. Master Plan for Downtown Toledo
  2. Revamped traffic flow for Downtown and outlying areas
  3. Modern home/building designs
  4. Updates relating to Toledo business development
Stayed Tuned.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Next Step Toledo

Next Step Toledo

Who We Are: We are dedicated to serving the best interests of Toledo, Ohio and its citizens through developing ideas, protecting history, and promoting the future.

Our Goals: Developing ideas for future developments and renovations. We do not wish to present only what is being done, but what should be done represented by drawings, pictures, plans, and words.

This blog is a medium for sharing ideas, plans, insights, and examples for the following topics in Toledo:

The Future
  1. Modern building designs & planning
  2. Roadway/Railway/Seaway planning and improvement
  3. Contemporary architecture progression
  4. Downtown Toledo business and living
  5. Retail/Business developments (Marina District,
  6. Areas that require extra attention (Traffic flow, lack of investment, urban activity)
  7. Attracting businesses and families to Toledo metro area
The Past
  1. Preservation of neglected and historic Toledo buildings/neighborhoods
  2. Master plans for areas of significance (Old West End, Old Orchard, etc)
  3. Current projects underway protecting Toledo's past
  4. Design and Planning that has failed or does not serve purpose any longer
  5. Buildings/Places unknown to Toledoans

We Need Your Ideas.

Please feel free to inform us of your ideas, plans, or drawings relating to any of these topics below. We will post these and credit you with ownership.